Learning through Virtual Reality

Once we got the sense of what Virtual Reality (VR) is, it is now time to introduce the project which will offer first hand experience to our MD students using virtual reality to learn and apply basic sciences concepts during their pre-clinical phase.
This project will investigate the use of simulation based environment through facilitating interaction of students with patients, laboratory investigations and patient data. The outcome measures will include increase in the knowledge, intrinsic motivation, self-efficacy and application of the knowledge in the clinical settings.
The project is funded through Education Futures Scholarship Grant from the University of Western Australia with matching funds provided through Labster™ which is the organisation involved in this project as a collaborator.
The project team comprises myself with Prof. Tony Celenza and Mrs. Marilyn Bacus. We also hope to involve one of the medical students in the project as a volunteer.
The project will be running in the first semester in 2017 and at this stage application for ethics approval is submitted.
It is also time to introduce Ms. Ezrina Fewings who is our team member from the Centre for Education Futures and Mr. Maaroof Fakri from Labster™. Instead of providing you a profile of each of the team members, I am leaving it for them to introduce themselves.
What’s Next?
Pilot run of the modules
Integration with Learning Management System
Photo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDRhT_AhlBo