One cannot add wings to a caterpillar; the whole process of transformation into a butterfly has to start within the caterpillar itself.
My experience in medical education now spans over more than twenty years, beginning in 1995 at the Department of Medical Education which was designated as WHO Collaborating Centre for Educational Development of Health Professionals in Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMRO).
Around this time I also received Membership of the College of Physicians and Surgeons in Psychiatry. This was further followed by the British Council Fellowship to visit medical institutions in UK and then AusAID Fellowship to pursue a Master degree in Educational Studies at Adelaide University, Australia.
I joined Aga Khan University on my return to Pakistan in 2002 and in 2003 I was appointed as the inaugural Director General, Learning Innovation at the Higher Education Commission Pakistan. In 2005, I joined the University of Western Australia as the lead for assessment and evaluation. In 2019, I got an opportunity to join VinUniversity as the inaugural head of the medical school in Hanoi. Initially, I took one year secondment leave from UWA which ended in resignation and have never regretted.