An academic's life: If it was not for Linkedin…..
I would have not known that I have been at UWA for 12 years so that’s a new record for my 22 years working life. Thanks to all who took...

An academic's life: Week 3 In the absence of social media
Here comes the story of my wok life balance. It is now one week that I have not posted on social media after 10 pm and life is going...

New Year's Resolution: Gone with the wind
So I decided to continue with my blog 'academic's life'every day this year but was unable to do so. The reason, getting things ready for...

The academic's life
Being an academic

Almost there!
So after all the hard work for the project to get it up and running, we are now able to launch it to the MD students in year 2.They are...

#VR: The Literature Review
As a medical student, I was allowed the opportunity to review the literature on the use of virtual reality (VR) in medical education. In...

Learning through Virtual Reality
Once we got the sense of what Virtual Reality (VR) is, it is now time to introduce the project which will offer first hand experience to...

Holidays are meant for learning
As I say goodbye to audio/ video cassettes and the CDs plus DVDs, virtual reality(VR) is what I will be playing with in 2017.It is a new...

Its Time to Go
Every year December starts with the cleaning tasks and to get rid of what you want not. This year I am getting rid of all the CDS that I...

#Prayers Room
There has been a lot of discussion and arguments for and against the facilities of prayers' room. We asked our members what do they think...